3 Essential Rules to Remember When Building a Small Business

Michael J. Herman
4 min readOct 1, 2020


By Michael J. Herman

Let’s face it. Being in Business for yourself can sometimes be like walking through a house of trap doors while blindfolded. A great many things that pop up out of nowhere come without the skill set to know how to effectively manage them.

However, with a few mere distinctions you can be blinder-free and gain ease and mastery over growing your emerging empire.

ONE: Manifest Yourself Into The Future.

What’s this mean? It’s a technique I developed on my own and since then have learned that many of the world’s most powerful and wealthiest business mavericks like Sir Richard Branson, Jeff Bezos, and Steve Jobs utilized similar techniques to transform our world. Here it is.

The subconscious mind believes whatever you tell it. It is the manifesting mechanism in your life factory. I believe it makes everything occur that you have in your life. Whatever you tell the subconscious mind the subconscious mind sets in action with or without your conscious direct involvement in making it so.

This is not my theory, but a long held, hard and fast fact that has been proven a million times over. So feed your subconscious mind as much positive, creative, imagination-filled, inspiring and powerful thoughts, feelings, and ideas as humanly possible. Forego negativity and sabotaging self-talk.

Dr. Jack Canfield, Co-Creator of the Chicken Soup for The Soul brand instructs to visualize through your own eyes what you wish to manifest. If your goal is to build a huge team, imagine seeing a huge team in front of you, but see it through your own eyes.

If your goal is to live in a beautiful new home, drive an expensive new car, rank advance, receive the coveted trophy, vacation on the beaches of Bora Bora, fall in love, or climb the cliffs of Dover, then see yourself actually doing it.

Here’s the difference that will make all the difference in this exercise. Create the neurological, emotional, kinesthetic, and chemical experience of being in your goal.

The imagination can conjure all kinds of changes and I’ll even go as far as to say magic when the mind has anything to do with it. Do this and you’ll see miraculous and explosive growth.


Take All Out Massive Action:

There is no time to dawdle when building your dream. Whether you are 18, 0r 80, time is short and the fact is that momentum begets momentum.

The faster you go the faster you’ll continue to go. The more success you amass the more results will continue to roll like a train into and through your life.

Taking all out massive action means being relentless no matter what happens. Failure, wrong turns, embarrassment, even humiliations galore are all just part of the training toward ninja business status.

Everyone has misery in their business at some point, but it doesn’t last and it makes you stronger for when the waves you’re riding carry you to the beaches.

All out massive action also means never giving up. Not only on the business you are building, but also on yourself. It can be and easy excuse to fall on one’s sword and find self pity when things go wrong, but the best things to do when that happens is… that’s right, take all out massive action!

Werner Erhard teaches that the best way to achieve transformation, or to transform any breakdown you may encounter is to be in action. Being in action overrides all other states, creates instantaneous shifts in perspective, and actually causes results to manifest.


No one is an island. Get a coach and a team.

In order to flourish and be abundant, we need the contribution of others. For this very reason alone to reach your full potential and the optimum expression of your enterprise, build a system of collaboration around you. In fact, while you’re in the design phase of your new venture, consider these people as part of your success team.

One might wonder how critical the addition of these people might be. It’s because the more energy you have pushing through and around you the more likely you’ll be to gain critical mass and take off like a rocket ship.

It takes a tremendous amount of fuel and propulsion to lift something into orbit and you want to ensure the best success to your efforts.

In summary, these three insights can mean the difference between total success and utter failure. However, as long as you keep adding ingredients of excellence into your mix of prowess, you’ll be certain to see great results.

Michael J. Herman is a Professional Writer, Speaker, and Business Coach in the area of Peak Performance and Small Business Wealth Building. You can connect with Mike @ LinkedIn.com/michaeljherman



Michael J. Herman
Michael J. Herman

Written by Michael J. Herman

Professional Writer of 14 books & 7,000+ published articles. I’ve written for TV, film, radio, web, print & New Media. I’m always creating content & I speak.

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