It’s Not The Mile, It’s The Smile
It’s Not The Mile, It’s The Smile
©2018 Michael J. Herman All Rights Reserved
Life goes by and hardly a moment to stop and say hi.
I breathe, I spit. I stand I sit
and not a chance to really ever give a shit.
Complications and obligations rush all around
Drowning out the sound
of the life that’s abound.
And still I wonder where the time goes?
What I did and what I chose?
Where I went in such a rush?
Doesn’t seem like it added up to all that much.
And then I see your eyes
and I touch your hand
We create a new moment
That helps to understand.
It’s now that matters,
not back then.
It’s the fact we’re together
Now, not when.
It’s your breath on my cheek
And the timber of your speak.
Or the way you smile as I guile at the length of our mile.
I say now thank you for the gift of you.
Our lives shared are what’s true.
And when I think of others like you
Believe me when I say
They are few.
Michael J. Herman is a Professional Writer, Author, and copywriter
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