The Time For Cowardice Is Over. Your Time To Rise IS NOW!
The Time For Cowardice Is Over. Your Time To Rise IS NOW!
People Want and Need to Hear Your Voice.
There are times for calm. There are times for attention. There are even times for celebration, but the time for cowardice is over. For too long people have shunned their responsibility to excel and to be great. For too long individuals have sought the comfort of a crowd in order to avoid standing out. And for way too long this has been acceptable by too many people. This must stop!
And for too long the new standard has been substituted by adequacy.
It’s time for you to take a stand and to let your voice to be heard.
What’s it mean?
Only that this moment beckons you to surrender your shield of protection and rise. It means there is a need greater today than perhaps ever before for a voice in the aimless echoes of humanity to resonate with the message you possess.
This is not hyperbole and it’s not mere fiddle faddle. This is a call that has been waiting to be trumpeted. It’s time has come and your time is now.
Why do great men stand by and do nothing when the moment harkens their name? Because the courage to stand and be counted is rare and fleeting. Why do great women allow moments to dictate the outcome without their voices being heard? Because no one has ever told them they can be great beyond measure.
It does not take invitation, and it does not require special skills endowed to the few. What the moment takes, what it demands, and what it requires is courage. The kind of courage that puts those who dare to step forward, to rise above, and to let loose their inner conqueror above and beyond all others.
The hardest step is the very first one. Every one that follows lessens in intensity and every one that follows is met with more and more ease.
I remember the first time I addressed a large audience. I was fourteen years old and a freshman in high school. I knew few, if anyone in the second week of high school. Nonetheless, I ran for Freshman Class President.
When I started my speech, “My name is Michael J. Herman” the auditorium erupted in cheer. I was momentarily stunned. With every sentence the cheers grew in intensity and with every pause the silence for the next word became deafening. I was both exhilarated and terrified at the same exact moment. I released something that day that has not yet settled down… an unwillingness to compromise on anything. What I let loose was a monster hungry for achievement I cannot cage.
I look back and see this experience was one of the most formative steps I ever took in the pursuit of being great. And now, more than 35 years later, I am still lauded by classmates that they remember that speech, and even more importantly they voted for me.
I now travel the globe speaking to, inspiring audiences and teams large and small on ways to release the dominating monsters that lives within them. Hiding helps no one and achieves nothing, but stepping into the light allows you to open your eyes to what’s truly possible for you and for the world.
Can one single person really have an affect on the world? I’m not sure. Let’s ask William Shakespeare. Let’s ask Aristotle. Let’s ask Plato, Mozart, Michelangelo, Marie Curie, Helen Keller, or Oprah Winfrey.
A single person, a single moment, or a single deed can transform the world. It happens all the time, and the only way it happens for you is if you let your voice be heard and your message understood.
Now is the time. Now is your time.
Michael J. Herman is a Professional Writer, Speaker, and coach emphasizing in breakthroughs and transformational living.