YOM KIPPUR 2020 A New Beginning
YOM KIPPUR 2020 A New Beginning
By Michael J. Herman
As Yom Kippur rapidly approaches, I begin to look deeply inward for reflection of the year that has concluded. Like a storybook that has an unpredictable ending, I am as curious as anyone else to know how this chapter will close its dog-eared and scratched themes.
There have been years when upon closing the old one I have had deep and profound inward confrontations with who I was and how I showed up in the year that past.
Individually, I try hard to be a good man, to live to a highly stringent moral code, and to be of service in every way I can in whatever capacity the Universe feels I can serve.
There have been years when I have fallen shy of my ideals.
There have been times when the reflection in the year’s rear mirror was ghostly and terrifying. As a remedy, I have always raised the bar for the new opening when it’s presented.
This year I am at peace.
I am confident with the year that has ended that I have lived up to what I committed to last time. I look back and I see growth. In a year so tumultuous and fraught with upset and suffering, I still feel complete.
I know I reached out with hands of help. I know I built bridges that continue to serve and support others. I know I did not cower from a single challenge, obstacle, or invitation. And I know that I stood up boldly when standing up was needed.
But for me, Yom Kippur is not about looking back, but really, it’s about looking forward. It’s about crafting and creating in this new, empty vacuum we call a New Year, and putting into it anything and everything our hearts, minds, and our souls can manifest.
For me, at least this year, Yom Kippur is not about whom we were in the past, but who we strive and seek to be in this year and in the years to come.
Rather than burn the sins that have been, I sweep them into a neat pile and I throw them into oblivion never to return and never to be mourned. Good by any disappointments or regrets and good riddance.
I am humbled to have family, friends, colleagues, business relationships, and admiring fans who love me and I love them. Not everyone has this blessing.
For that reason, in this New Year, I set out to create a more connected and relevant life with even more roots that feed even more trees so that at the end of my journey, I will have a forest of achievements and a jungle of joy I will leave behind.
Mostly, I’m filled with gratitude. It permeates my entire being with effervescent enthusiasm and hope that one day I can say I am truly the man I hope myself to be.
I wish you an easy fast and a year ahead of abundant life.
George Herman
George Roman
Elayne “Coco” Barat
Stanley Barat
Jeff Levy
Lanny Rosenfeld
Dirk Webber
Dylan Rigsby
Don Platts
George Roman
Albert & Helen Herman
Duddie & Loreliye Herman
Florence Sheslow
Leo Kolkin
Ben Pomerance
Dinney Dinnofer
Lanny Rosenfeld
Eric Tetrault
Tootsie Herman
Barney Herman
Jennye Blabon
Karen Carsel
Steve Wachtel
Stanley Ralph Ross
Larry Ross
Gerry Robinson
Bogdon Yonkofsky
Walter Littlefield
Henry Tapie
Stanley Goleburn
And anyone I may have overlooked on this honorarium.
Michael J. Herman is a Professional Writer and author of the forthcoming
Side Hustle With Muscle: Stop Putting Your Talents to The side and Start Your Small Business.
Connect with Mike at LinkedIn.com/michaeljherman