You Have To Believe In It! The Power of Manifestation
The reason most people have what they have (good, bad, or indifferent) is because it’s what they believe.
I asked Olympic Gold Medalist Maurice Greene, “Can you believe you broke the world record?” To wit he replied:
“Of course I believe it! I won it because I believed it was possible.”
I question to British Hi Diver Leon Taylor: “What made it possible for you to earn multiple Olympic wins in Athens?”
“I believed it was possible.”
But ask a broke or broke-minded person do they believe they can have it all and watch what they do and listen to what they say. The answer is almost always no, they don’t believe it’s possible.
“I’m stuck.”
“I have no viable options.”
“I have tried so hard and still nothing.”
“What’s the point? It’s rigged.”
“People like me aren’t supposed to make it big.”
These are the answers I get when I coach with people who lack in belief. If they’re devoid of possibility, how is it supposed to be possible?
It’s not rocket science. It’s common sense. If you believe you’re capable of something you have the potential to achieve it. If you do not believe you’re capable, then it clearly won’t happen.
But beliefs are not superficial. They go down layers deep into the subconscious.
Here are a few of my Core Beliefs that run my life. They prove themselves out every day in the manifestations they create.
-I am healthy, strong, and vital. My body functions at peak performance and my wellness is always at an optimal level. My cells and tissues heal quickly from any possible illness or injury.
Because of this belief statement I have not suffered a day of illness in more than 36 years.
-Anything that derails me is only momentary, as I am more powerful than anything that comes at me. Because of this belief statement I am rarely down and most days I’m a bubbling caldron of magic sauce.
-I am a money magnet and I naturally attract high levels of abundance to me.
-No need to stress over stupid and small minutia. Anything worth being stressed about is worth finding a solution.
-Things always work out.
-Family — friends-colleagues-others.
-Work first, play and rest when finished.
-Always play. Never give up an opportunity to be blessed with joy.
-Inspiration is always all around. Find it and exude it. Positivity and a powerful mental attitude are always the answer.
-Always find laughter and love whenever you can. They make the time we live worth living. The more of it I give, the more of it I will receive.
In closing, I’ll quote one of my very early mentor’s #Linda“Shoey”Shoemaker, “Garbage in — Garbage out!”
Michael J. Herman is a Professional Writer of 15 books and more than 7,000 articles, a motivational speaker, and a coach living in Los Angeles and loving it!
Michael J. Herman is a Professional Writer of 15 books and more than 7,000 articles, a motivational speaker, and a coach living in Los Angeles and loving it.
Professional Writer of 14 books & 7,000+ published articles. I’ve written for TV, film, radio, web, print & New Media. I’m always creating content & I speak.